July 4, 2012

Last few weeks!

So the last few weeks have been pretty boring around here. As you know Germany was playing in the Big Euro Cup, the Soccer tournament! And they were supposed to win! We went to the city center a few times to watch the games on the big screen with hundreds of people! I always thought the games were boring and I hated soccer but the games and being around all of the people was a lot of fun! It was like going to a huge football game in America! J We got all decked out and wore stickers! We lost to Italy, which we shouldn’t have, in the semifinals. But it was sure fun to go watch!!!

Both Cordy and Will moved out this past Saturday and the girls left Sunday evening for their weeklong tour of Prague, Vienna, and Switzerland. So I have been here on my own since then and it is kind of nice, yet very scary and boring! I am lonely!!!

I have been packing and organizing tho, getting ready for mom and dad to get here! I have their room all set up and ready to go and am half packed to head home myself!!!
This will be my last blog then until I get home and can post about everywhere that mom, dad and I got to go!

They will be here Saturday morning and I am going to meet them at the airport!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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