June 11, 2012

Me! :)

So I have collected quite a few pictures of myself and my friends that i have not posted on here and I figured i would :) so here you go!!!
 Me on one of the rides we rode at the Fair!
 Audrey and I supporting our Team while watching the big game!
 At the fair!
 I was a little kid... Ice  cream with sprinkles!!

 On the giant swing ride
 Us girls one night before we went out!
Me in Berlin!
 Us girls on arrival in Berlin!
 Dinner night when we had our friend visiting... From the Left: Cordy (our roommate), Dela (a KU friend), Me, Kenra, Caitlin (Friend from K-state who studied in Italy), Kristin and Audrey is taking the picture!
 Us at Amsterdam... they had a giant thing that said I Amsterdam
 Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, me kicking her butt
 All of us at the Gate

 us with our Friend Caitlin who came to visit us
 Kenra and I at the Botanical Gardens in Amsterdam
 Part of the Berlin Wall that looked like my doodles!
 Kenra and I fighting over the wall... I am on the East side and she is on the West
 Audrey and I :)
 Audrey and Richard Dancing
 This is our Friend Sunday and Richard! 
 Audrey and I :)
 Audrey on the swing 
Us on the Swing!!! :)

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